Further work
Save the Children
In 2016, the Saïd Foundation together with the Asfari Foundation, and Hands Up Foundation, launched an appeal to support the education of Syrian refugee children. Donations were matched by the Saïd and Asfari Foundations, raising a total of £8,259,682 which were be donated to Save the Children, the International Rescue Committee, and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to support their programming for Syrian refugee children.
Save the Children run an early education project for Syrian refugee and host children in Lebanon between the ages of 3-6. Through this Save the Children project, Syrian refugee and Lebanese children received the support they need in early childhood to develop their literacy and maths skills and be ready for school. It also ensured they enrol in the formal primary school system both on time and equipped to learn and achieve their full potential. In total, 1,800 girls and boys and their parents or caregivers benefited from this Early Childhood Education support, and 6,400 children benefited from the Back to School campaign.
The Saïd Foundation has also supported Save the Children in Turkey to establish three schools in Hatay province with the capacity to reach 1,500 students every year. The schools provided quality education to students who previously lacked access to education, and were handed over to the Turkish Ministry of National Education.